Carbide Grades Wizard

Our smart WIZARD shows you the BEST GRADE by each brand for your application!

What is the Grades wizard?

The Grades Wizard is an Online Calculator that tries to estimate what are the best carbide grades for a specific machining application.

How does it work?

The Calculator decides, according to the user’s input parameters, what are ideal parameters for the carbide grade (Mainly the Hardness of the substrate and coating specifications). Then, these parameters are compared with our database, and the best match from each brand is fetched. The algorithm considers only the grades that each carbide producer lists as his recommended grades per material group.

How should you interpret the output?

  • The list contains the most suitable grade (one grade only) from each brand to the given input parameters.
  • If you click on the grade, you are directed to the full information page on that grade.
  • If you click on the brand, you are directed to the overview page of that brand’s grades.
  • Rating: A higher score (Up to 100%) means the grade is closer to the ideal properties for the defined input parameters

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